Sarah Jane Kenner - Fuel Your Creativity with Passion beyond Music - TSMP 03

Full Hour Long Video Interview with Sarah


In this episode, Sarah will tell you her success story on how she turns her creative passion into an actual business. As she says

The creative person can not always be satisfied by a creative career. We need to be able to separate needing the creativity in the practice room and getting creativity elsewhere.

Getting creativity elsewhere is an important skill for us to learn. And the creative outlet elsewhere is actually making us a better musician, helping critical thinking in practice room, and building a healthier body and mind. 

Her story is a lot like many college students as we have a busy schedule with studying and practicing. But after she makes the commitment for herself to start cooking, not only does she become healthier, she also found her creative outlet that she eventually turned it into a business.  

If you love to learn new skills and find a passion beyond music, I have a great resource for you. Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes in design, business, tech and more. Click here to get a month free premium:

And if you like to sign up their premium, here is a 30% off for their annual subscription:

Her Leap into Practice challenge helped herself and her followers to set better intention in their practice sessions.

She gives us 3 pivotal points for creating a side hustle that you love:

  1. Be genuinely excited about your passion.

  2. To connect with people who loves the things you are passioned about. 

  3. Be vulnerable and open about your process of learning whether it’s your hobby or your field of expertise. Vulnerability on social media really creates a trust. And it is the key to build trust and connection with like-minded people on different platforms. 

Lastly, she shares the time blocking method for her time management. It is an efficient way to stay away from distractions and achieve more in life. And as we still are mostly staying home because of the virus, social media can sometimes be unhelpful for our productivity. Being mindful with the contents you consume or create on Social media that align with your value in life will create a toxic free online environment for you.

Remember to listen to the end for the rapid question round that she talks about her favorite meals, book, and so on.

The book she mentioned in the show: 

Best American Food Writing 2018 (The Best American Series ®

And I think you would like the 2019 Food writing as well:

The Best American Food Writing 2019 (The Best American Series ®

Happy Friday! Pick a delicious recipe that you love, cook for yourself and share with your family this weekend!

Talk to you all next week!